Hello one and all,
Well summer is coming to an end. Wish I could say I had a great summer! Unfortunately I did not. We worked more or less around the clock... only taking a few weekends off here and there. Good and bad I guess. Good (actually great) because our company -- eWareness -- is growing like crazy; bad because it's not much of a life working around the clock.
As a quick company update: Off the top of my head I'd say we added close to 75 new customers this summer from all over the country including several from Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, Texas and of course Florida. We have hired a couple more people and continue to search for exceptional folks to join our staff with web design and web development experience. Please visit our corporate site: http://www.ewarenessinc.com for more details on eWareness' openings.
On a creative note: we recently learned eWareness has won a WebAward for one of the projects we recently completed. The official notification has not been released yet so I can't share any details.
Anyway, that more or less sums everything up. During this upcoming Fall we have a ton of things planned including the release of eWareness' new web site. We are also working on our biggest venture to date on The Veteran Owned Business Directory: http://www.veteranownedbusiness.com. This project is scheduled to go live on Veteran's Day 2007. The overall objective of the site is to have the world's largest directory of veteran owned businesses (VOBs) and service disabled veteran owned businesses (SDVOBs). The listings for these types of companies will be free and the entire directory will be supported through corporate sponsors (some really big names we can't mention as of yet). We will also be working toward our goal of hiting the 500 customer mark.